RCR reporting requirements to the Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research (SRCR)

Reporting to SRCR is required when Agency funds are involved.

This chart sets out requirements for reporting to SRCR only. Where applicable, researchers and/or their institutions should also be aware of and comply with the reporting requirements of other organizations.

Scenarios Duty to report to SRCR When to report
Allegation involving no Agency funds
No Not applicable
Allegation with significant financial, health, safety or other risks Yes Immediately (Art. 4.4.a)
Inquiry confirms no breach and SRCR unaware of the allegation No Not applicable
Inquiry confirms no breach but SRCR aware of the allegation Yes Within two months of receipt of the allegation (Art. 4.4.b) - Inquiry report
Inquiry confirms a breach Yes Within two months of receipt of the allegation (Art. 4.4.b) - Inquiry report
Investigation confirms no breach Yes Within five months of completion of the inquiry (Art. 4.4.c) - Investigation report
Investigation confirms a breach Yes Within five months of completion of the inquiry (Art. 4.4.c) - Investigation report
Long description

This table illustrates the RCR reporting requirements specifically if and when to report to the Secretariat on Responsible Conduct in Research (SRCR).

Where applicable, researchers and/or their institutions should also be aware of and comply with the reporting requirements of other organizations.

Institutions must report to SRCR:

  1. Immediately if Agency funds are involved and the allegation demonstrates significant Agency financial, health, safety or other risks, (Art. 4.4.a).
  2. Within two months of receipt of the allegation, if Agency funds are involved and the inquiry confirms no breach but SRCR is aware of the allegation (Art. 4.4.b). The Institution will send an inquiry report to SRCR.
  3. Within two months of receipt of the allegation, if Agency funds are involved and the inquiry confirms a breach (Art. 4.4.b). The Institution will send an inquiry report to SRCR.
  4. Within five months of completion of the inquiry, if Agency funds are involved and the investigation confirms no breach (Art. 4.4.c). The Institution will send an investigation report to SRCR.
  5. Within five months of completion of the inquiry, if Agency funds are involved and the investigation confirms a breach (Art. 4.4.c). The Institution will send an investigation report to SRCR.

Institutions are not required to report to SRCR:

  1. When an allegation involves no Agency funds
  2. If Agency funds are involved but the inquiry confirms no breach and SRCR is unaware of the allegation.

To learn more on what to report to SRCR, please refer to Art. 4.4.c of the RCR Framework and the Institutional Reporting Checklists.

The reports must be sent to: secretariat@srcr-scrr.gc.ca.

What to report to SRCR? Please refer to Art. 4.4.c of the RCR Framework and to the Institutional Reporting Checklists.

Send your report to: secretariat@srcr-scrr.gc.ca

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