Panel on Responsible Conduct of Research
Promoting a Positive Research Environment
Created by Canada's three federal research agencies, CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC, the Panel on Responsible Conduct of Research (PRCR) is part of a collaborative objective to ensure a coherent and uniform approach for promoting responsible conduct of research and for addressing allegations of breaches of Tri-Agency Policies, consistent with the Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR Framework). Learn more about us
For information on the research ethics, visit the Panel on Research Ethics website.
Services and information
The Panel on Responsible Conduct of Research
The Panel's objective is to ensure a coherent and uniform approach to promoting responsible conduct of research and for addressing allegations of breaches of Tri-Agency policies, consistent with the RCR Framework.
RCR Interpretations
Read the latest responses to written requests for interpretation of the RCR Framework.
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